Security Guard Portland

Portland Security Guards: Can A Security Guard Benefit Your Business?

It’s no secret that Portland business owners are constantly pulled in a hundred different directions. So it’s no wonder that thoughts about the business’s physical building might fall to the wayside — until a customer mentions finding the office door unlocked one morning before normal hours, or an employee says that they can’t ever seem find parking in your private parking lot. But is hiring a Portland Security Guard to patrol the premises worth the cost?

If you’re a business owner in Portland on the fence about hiring an On-Site Security Guard to secure your building, but are put off by the price or the idea of the lazy security guard media so often portrays, we’ve gathered a few handy benefits of on-site security.

Security Guard = Visual Deterrence + Peace of Mind

Similar to how the sight of a professionally monitored security system in a house is statistically likely to deter a burglar, knowing a Portland property is guarded by a trained Security Guard can provide welcome peace of mind not just to you as the business owner, but to your patrons and employees. Whether the property is in a high crime area, or simply a bustling building with heavy foot traffic, the mere sight of a professional Security Guard is a deterrent against suspicious activity.

A Security Guard Can Act As Customer Service 

Do you need someone to greet guests as they enter the building, check ID badges, give directions or walk your employees to their cars at night to make sure they get there safely? On-site Security Guards are trained in caring for your customers and helping when needed.

Security Guard = Expertise + Responsibility

When assigned to a post, On-site Security Guards quickly become experts not only on their surroundings, but on the comings and goings of the people who frequent it. That means they notice when a stranger passes through with an oddly filled backpack, or when a car doesn’t seem like it’s in the correct spot. Not only that, but they learn the quirks of your building — like the partially hidden side door your employees may forget to lock before they leave for the day or the tree that blows in front of you backdoor surveillance camera. They have it covered.


Whether they are monitoring your company’s surveillance system or performing a foot patrol around the building, On-site Security Guard are trained — ours are certified by the State of Oregon private security regulatory body as industry professionals — to recognize red flags, prevent potential crimes, and help ensure the correct action is followed in stressful situations. Making sure your property is safe and secure is their job. Contact us here to learn more.